Sunday, November 16, 2008

What year was John Stowe diagnosed with tuberculosis

What year was John Stowe diagnosed with tuberculosis?
jenna needs to know. (:
Infectious Diseases - 1 Answers
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$, mary jane. (:, If the John Stowe of whom you refer, was a native of Yorkshire, England, who married Emily Howard Jennings Stowe รข€“ born May 1 1831- died April 30 1903, in 1856, then soon after the birth of John and Emily Stowe's third child in 1863, John contracted tuberculosis. Recovered from tuberculosis by the mid 1870s, John Stowe trained as a dentist. John Stowe died in 1891 and Emily Stowe 12 years later, in 1903. If this is not the John Stowe that you are asking about, please return and post more specific details. Hope this helps Jenna, matador 89

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