Sunday, July 12, 2009

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Is the test for tuberculosis accurate?
When I was in the army, they poked us with a four pronged needle then checked it a couple of days later. They pulled aside two guys, and looked a little closer and casually said "He's good". What determines if you're "good"?
Other - Diseases - 1 Answers
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The tuberculin TB skin test for tuberculosis is quite accurate. The material injected is a purified protein. The body will react if you are infected with tb. The test is read after two days. There must be a zone of induration, swelling, around the injection site. Redness is not a positive. Some people have an immune response to some of the other proteins injected. A positive skin test must have the appropriate degree of swelling. A positive skin test means the patient is infected. But, INFECTED DOES NOT MEAN SYMPTOMATIC OR DISEASE. A person may be infected with tb and NEVER develop symptoms. Some people may develop active disease many years after infection occurs. Often, when the immune system starts to decline in ability with age. A positive skin test does mean you will have to undergo antibiotic therapy. It is VERY IMPORTANT that all the antibiotics are taken...for the entire time period. This could easily be 3-6 months. Once the skin test is positive, it can never be repeated. There is often a serious localized inflammatoory response if a skin test positive patient has another skin test. Chest x-rays are the alternative screen

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