Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Is it possible to recover from tuberculosis without any treatment? Explain your

Is it possible to recover from tuberculosis without any treatment? Explain your?

Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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1 :
Healthy people may be infected and not know it. They may not have active TB and their bodies can fight it off. If the disease becomes active, it can migrate to other organs, other parts of the body and show up there. Pulmonary TB can cause permanent lung damage. About half of those with untreated active TB die and the other half may wish they had.
2 :
It's possible, but I wouldn't chance it. That's not to say there's no downside to treatment--the antibiotics prescribed for TB are pretty heavy-duty and can impair your liver's functionality. CAN is an important qualifier--the drugs only have the potential to do so; on the other hand, certain chronic symptoms (i.e. coughing up blood, fever, chills, night sweats, etc.) are implied by active pulmonary TB. I'd rather face the medication's potential risks than the disease's implicit symptoms and long-term effects. What do I know, though?
3 :
Tuberculosis is no different than any other active, symptomatic bacterial infection. Without proper treatment with appropriate antibiotics it would be impossible to cure tuberculosis. Untreated disease is progressive and debillitating. You can look at historical data before the use of antibiotics to see the massive number of deaths by tuberculosis. Tuberculosis remains one of the primary bacterial killers every year, worldwide. There are many places in the world where adequate treatment is unavailable. There is a correspondingly high fatality rate

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Friday, July 24, 2009

I want to know about national day of pulmonauy tuberculosis

I want to know about national day of pulmonauy tuberculosis?
pulmonauy tuberculosis I want to get information about it
Respiratory Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuberculosis http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000077.htm http://www.umm.edu/ency/article/000077.htm http://www.emedicinehealth.com/tuberculosis/page3_em.htm

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Monday, July 20, 2009

does sitting on a chair for hours and staying all night cause tuberculosis

does sitting on a chair for hours and staying all night cause tuberculosis?
im addicted to online games and i stay all night and sometimes i eat supper past midnight and now i got phlegm on my throat with mixed blood. 4 years ago my doctor said i got mild t.b. but i ignored it coz i thought it would just heal by itself coz it's only mild then it happen.. a week ago i was playing online games i got hungry i buy food with lots of strong seasoning on it few hours letter i feel thick phelgm on my throat when i spit i saw blood.. so my other question is does strong seasoning triggers it? well.. that's what i heard from other people they said most of the people who got tb where the ones playing mahjong's coz they putting all the strain on thier backs for hours.. well i guess it's superstition then.. and people pls dont flame me for being an ignorant im trying to learn here. you cant help a stupid person by saying "youre stupid" im here to get help.. btw thanks for the complements oh hey.. can someone tell me what's the critical stages of t.b? im just worried maybe i'm already there.
Respiratory Diseases - 12 Answers
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1 :
No. Tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
2 :
no, Mycobacterium causes tuberculosis.
3 :
No! Tuberculosis (TB)- infectious disease caused by a bacterium is primarily an illness of the respiratory system, and is spread by coughing and sneezing... Not from sitting for long periods of time or staying in all day!!! All cases of TB are passed from person to person via droplets. When someone with TB infection coughs, sneezes, or talks, tiny droplets of saliva or mucus are expelled into the air, which could be inhaled by another person.
4 :
Can you be any more stupid?? Okay, your not stupid. Your really bright!!! What games do you play??? ;)
5 :
yes, I am sure it does, as eating bologna can cause cancer....We will die of whatever the maker has in His plans...Just try to take care of yourself, as was also His plan, and live life to its fullest...
6 :
Mild TB?? You catch TB from other via airborn transmission? is this serious?? Get off your ass kid.
7 :
you got TB because your general health is bad...the germ is everywhere. take the full doses of meds the full time; there is now a drug-resistant TB because so many people , I understand Mexicans, did not finish taking the nmeds..also sleep where it is dry and warm..wear warm clothes in cold weather and buy an old weather raincoat. wear hats in cold windy weather. eat right and sleep 8 hrs.it is possible you have throat or lung caner or even blood clots in your lungs..healthy people do not spit or cough up blood.
8 :
You need to first have the TB taken care of. Its irresponsible to possible infect others who might not be as healthy as you (elderly, cancer patients, children) and can run the risk of dying from it .TB is highly contagious and something as simple as you going to the 7-11 for something can pass it along. Also staying up all night and not sleeping wears on your immune system which it probably causing you to get sick again.
9 :
you need exercise, fresh air, sunshine, enough rest and a healthy diet. it is also important to see a doctor (pulmonologist) the soonest possible time.
10 :
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, caused by a bacterium. It does not go away by itself, and it can be highly contagious to other people. If you were diagnosed with t.b. there is no 'mild' about it. YOU need to take medication NOW, before you endanger other people who may have compromised immune systems, like the elderly and babies, AIDs, organ transplant recipients, etc. T.B. of the lungs can also cause pulmonary hemorrhaging in the late stages, which leads to death. It can also infect other organs in your body, including the bones. In the 18th and 19th century, it was called the 'white death' and 'consumption' and it killed millions. So get off your ass from your computer games, get yourself to a doc and get yourself treated before you infect the rest of us. Sheesh!
11 :
no tuberculosis is transmitted by respiratory route it means that if you inhale the organism it will stay it in your system tubercl;e bacilli is an opportunistic microbes
12 :
Sitting in a chair for hours is not the cause of your condition, nor is spicy seasoning. If your doctor told you that you had mild TB four years ago, then that doctor should have given you medication to treat it. TB is contagious and needs to be taken care of immediately if you have it! You should NOT have ignored that! Do you cough alot? You should seek medical attention, I believe that is a case for a doctor. Good Luck and have fun with those games

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Help with pulmonary tuberculosis

Help with pulmonary tuberculosis?
I have a list of the ten leading causes of death at any age in a made-up region. One of the questions is 'suggest why pulmonary tuberculosis does not appear on the list'. I have no idea on that one. Also another question is 'why are there only a small number of infectious diseases on the list', got no idea on that one either. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Biology - 2 Answers
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1 :
Dunno about pulmonary tuberculosis, but I can take a guess about infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are caused by bacteria/viruses/parasites. These organisms have evolved to live and thrive inside a human body. Evolution dictates that organisms always evolve to become better at reproduction. The species that survive are the ones that are good at reproducing themselves. This means that a 'successful' disease-causing organism must be good at spreading itself from human to human. This ALSO means that a successful disease-causing organism must not quickly kill its host. If the organism kills its host, it can't spread any more, and it'll die too. So a successful disease-causing organism is one that can thrive in its host without killing it, allowing the organism to keep reproducing and spreading to new hosts. That's why infectious diseases alone usually don't kill people.
2 :
pulmonary tuberculosis has been eradicated in many countries due to the advent of the multi-drug therapy(MDT) for TB. even in countries that still have a prevalence of TB, most cases are still controlled by the MDTs that they rarely result in death. it should be noted that lately there has been a resurgence of TB cases due to a drug-resistant strain and due to the growing number of AIDS patients who are prone to getting it. most infectious diseases nowadays are easily controlled by antibiotics(bacterial infections) or vaccines(viral), which is why they are not seen more often in the leading causes of death

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

* describe lifestyle actions you can take to reduce ... * What are the symptoms of tuberculosis * Is it true that drinking tibicus can cause TUBERCU... * Is cod liver oil good/harmful for tuberculosis pat... * How does Tuberculosis actually kill? Is it by asph... * Where do they insert the PPD for tuberculosis on t... * How does Tuberculosis actually kill? Is it by asph... * how contageous is tuberculosis

Is the test for tuberculosis accurate?
When I was in the army, they poked us with a four pronged needle then checked it a couple of days later. They pulled aside two guys, and looked a little closer and casually said "He's good". What determines if you're "good"?
Other - Diseases - 1 Answers
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The tuberculin TB skin test for tuberculosis is quite accurate. The material injected is a purified protein. The body will react if you are infected with tb. The test is read after two days. There must be a zone of induration, swelling, around the injection site. Redness is not a positive. Some people have an immune response to some of the other proteins injected. A positive skin test must have the appropriate degree of swelling. A positive skin test means the patient is infected. But, INFECTED DOES NOT MEAN SYMPTOMATIC OR DISEASE. A person may be infected with tb and NEVER develop symptoms. Some people may develop active disease many years after infection occurs. Often, when the immune system starts to decline in ability with age. A positive skin test does mean you will have to undergo antibiotic therapy. It is VERY IMPORTANT that all the antibiotics are taken...for the entire time period. This could easily be 3-6 months. Once the skin test is positive, it can never be repeated. There is often a serious localized inflammatoory response if a skin test positive patient has another skin test. Chest x-rays are the alternative screen

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

M scared. I have Tuberculosis.when will blood in cough stop

M scared. I have Tuberculosis.when will blood in cough stop?
I have been diagnosed Tuberculosis and i am already taking medicines for the last three days. Doctors recommended Injection shots today for stopping blood. I hope it does. The question is when will the blood stop? I had pain in my ribs to begin with and coughed a lot for the last 6 months. Please help. i am already under medication. M dead scared.
Alternative Medicine - 1 Answers
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Listen to what your doctors say and follow their instructions. Tuberculosis today is very treatable. Active TB is treated with a combination of medications along with isoniazid. Rifampin (Rifadin), ethambutol (Myambutol), and pyrazinamide are the drugs commonly used to treat active TB in conjunction with isoniazid (INH). Four drugs are often taken for the first two months of therapy to help kill any potentially resistant strains of bacteria. Then the number is usually reduced to two drugs for the remainder of the treatment based on drug sensitivity testing that is usually available by this time in the course. Streptomycin, a drug that is given by injection, may be used as well, particularly when the disease is extensive and/or the patients do not take their oral medications reliably (termed "poor compliance"). Treatment usually lasts for many months and sometimes for years. Successful treatment of TB is dependent largely on the compliance of the patient. Indeed, the failure of a patient to take the medications as prescribed is the most important cause of failure to cure the TB infection. In some locations, the health department demands direct monitoring of patient compliance with therapy. Surgery on the lungs may be indicated to help cure TB when medication has failed, but in this day and age, surgery for TB is unusual. Treatment with appropriate antibiotics will usually cure the TB. http://www.medicinenet.com/tuberculosis/article.htm

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