I know it was one of them, but I can't remember which.
Other - Politics & Government - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No JFK died of gunshot wound in the head
2 :
JFK died of "lead poisoning" as did his brother Bobbie. His older brother Ted recently died of cancer.
3 :
President John F. Kennedy died of gunshot wounds on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas.
4 :
is this a real question?
5 :
jfk got a fatal haircut on 11-22-63 in dallas,texas he also had addisons disease,an extreme deficiency of adrenocorticotropic hormone,owing to atrophy of the adrenal gland,,,a consequence of swallowing gasoline following the wrecking of pt109 in the south pacific cmon lenghart,nov 22!
6 :
What are they teaching you in school ??? JFK died from a 6.5 x 52 mm Italian Carcano M91/38 bolt-action rifle. Oh !! and the bullet that shot out of it. p.s. He got 3 rounds off, with one of those shots being a head shot.
7 :
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 23, 1963 in Dallas, Texas
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