how do the doctors know that the treatment worked at the end of the 9 months? is an x-ray performed? i'm afraid i've forgotten to take my medication too many times.
Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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1 :
If you have LTBI (latent tuberculosis infection), that means that you don't have active disease. Therefore, bronchiole washes, sputum cultures and smears, and xrays cannot be used to demonstrate that your treatment was effective. According to the CDC's Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, your posttreatment follow-up will be: -documentation of TST or QFT results and treatment completion including name, dates, original chest xray, and dosage and duration of medication (this can be shown in the future as demonstration of prior treatment if you get another positive test) -you will be re-educated on symptoms of TB disease and told to contact your medical provider if you develop any TB signs or symptoms. -serial or repeat chest radiographs are not indicated unless the you develop signs or symptoms suggestive of TB disease So, for the remainder of your regimen, please stay on your meds. The only way that you can find out that the treatment wasn't effective is by eventually developing active TB.
2 :
Latent Tuberculosis is tested using Mantoux test.. It is a skin test. A solution is injected on the skin, and the skin is noted for a reaction, usually chacterized by redness and inflammation, within a period of around 2 to 7 days. A chest x-ray would not help in the re-diagnosis of Latent Tuberculosis, because no lung damage has yet occured.
3 :
Jay W is correct. The most important thing for you to do is DO NOT FORGET THE DRUGS. It is imperative to maintain drug levels in your body for the entire length of treatment. And, if you have had a positive TB skin test it will always be positiive. You can never have another
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