Saturday, July 24, 2010

A definite diagnosis of active tuberculosis is based on

A definite diagnosis of active tuberculosis is based on:?
a.) BCG (tuberculin) test b.) Chest X-rays c.) Clinical symptoms d.) Isolation of Mycobacterium tubercle from the patient e.) Isolation of antibodies against Mycobacterium tubercle from patient serum i think its E. not sure what you think?
Medicine - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We used to make the diagnosis based on isolation of the mycobacterium from the patient's sputum, lymph nodes or abscess. ie. D would be correct
2 :
d or e... but leaning more towards d <(^_^)>
3 :
The answer is D. A and E only show that you have been exposed to TB, C cannot definitely ascribe the symptoms directly to TB, and B only shows if you have had TB, can't definitely be used to diagnose Active TB... Scarring from previous TB is still evident on Chest X-Ray after it is treated...
4 :
The best answer IMO is D. There are several serotypes of the Mycobacterium which are not pathogenic for humans and these can be found in garden soil and in agricultural scenarios. And people exposed to such saprophytic forms of the Mycobacteriae microbe can have 'false positive' tests for the disease. Also, if the skin testing agent (PPD) is not properly prepared for a skin test ( too cold, e.g.). It will also give a false positive test. Isolating the organism from sputum and culturing on Loffler's medium is still the most diagnostic method. Hope this helps! __ Jim G

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