i just had a shot for TB or tuberculosis and i want to know how do i know if i do have it or not?
Infectious Diseases - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
ask your doctor, he will be glad to tell you that your just fine
2 :
get tested
3 :
Go to your doctor and get tested. How else?
4 :
go to your health department and request a TB tine test.
5 :
the shot changes collers if you have it
6 :
The initial test is a TB reaction test, a very common test that is given to prospective employees in the healthcare field. There are also many other reasons why a TB reaction test may be ordered for you. It consists of a needle going barely underneath your forearm's skin, and the needle injects a very small amount of test fluid. If, in 48 hours, you show a positive reaction (marked by an injection site rash of a certain size or greater), then there is a chance you have TB, and the test will be repeated. The most definitive test for TB, however, is a blood culture. This is where they draw blood into a sterile canister, and have biological lab technicians see if they can grow TB bugs (mycobacteria) in petri dishes. If they can, well, that means you have TB bacteria in your blood, and your doctor may diagnose you with TB. [EDIT: The TB test is read after 48 hours, and not 10-20 minutes like I previously said. Thank you for the information and correction, Olga.]
7 :
There is a TB test you can do. I am not sure if this is what you did here, but normally when a TB test is done - then nurse will inject this clear solution on your arm and you will need to have it read within 48 to 72 hours. You can actually read the results yourself. All you have to do is look at where you got the shot and if it is red and swollen after a day or two, then your TB test will be +Positive... if your skin clears up again and you do not see any reaction then your result will be -Negative. Wishing You the Best in Health! Olga Strickland Independent Distributor Olga_i@mynsp.com www.mynsp.com/olga The world leader in herbs and health supplements
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