Saturday, May 16, 2009

What does a positive PPD test for tuberculosis look like

What does a positive PPD test for tuberculosis look like?

Infectious Diseases - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It will be raised and red. After 48-72 hours (I think it's OK if it gets a bit swollen before that) Doctors check it by feel though. I think if it's flat it's generally negative.
2 :
~_~ Hey Addy-- The test area will generally get a raised lil'bumpy, and sometimes odd color look to it. The doctor or clinic should give you a lil'card to compare your tested area. It will vary from Negative to Carrier to Positive. It will need you're attention for approx. 2-3 days. If you show in the Carrier to Positive range, you will need to return for further information or treatment. I might be wrong, but I think it is a genetic thing. The web sight WEB M.D. will have tons of information on it for you. (sorry, I don't know how to do that lil'blue "click here" thingy) You have a Really Good Day. K? I Hope You Test Neg. But carrier isn't Too much a worry. K? Bye Bye

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