Friday, December 28, 2012

what is tuberculosis

what is tuberculosis?
my husband wrote me a letter (he is visiting family in mexico, i did not want to go this time)saying that he might have it.what is it and he said to take our daughter to the doctor and see if she has it contagious or may she have been born with it.thank you for anything you might be able to tell me.
Infectious Diseases - 6 Answers
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1 :
its a deadly disease Google it
2 :
its a disease that fucks your lungs over and can kill you more like will kill you
3 :
Tuberculosis is an infection caused by breathing in germs from another person who has them (they get coughed out in microscopic particles of spit). It's a very common disease, and probably about 1/3 of the world's population has been infected with it. Nine times out of ten, the immune system responds successfully to it and it never develops into an illness. When it does develop into an illness, it is normally pretty easy to treat in an otherwise healthy person. Drug-resistant strains do exist, but they are not very common right now. Anyone can get tuberculosis, even if they have been vaccinated. In the US and some other countries with good public health and sanitation, incidence has been declining for a long time. But that decline has slowed in the last several years, perhaps due to newer strains of the drug, more international travel, or just bad luck.
4 :
In lay mens terms, its an illness that causes your lungs to become filled with mucus. Often times you have trouble breathing and a very severe cough. Sometimes you cough up blood. TB (Tuberculosis) is a very serious illness that will result in death if it is not treated. Fortunately there are very good treatments for it. An oral medication taken everyday for several month will normally suffice. The test for TB is a small shot the is delivered right under your skin on your arm. Between 48-76 hours after you get the shot, the doctor or a nurse will look to see if there is a rash where you got injected. If there is, there is a high likelihood that you have been infected. The next thing they will do is take a sample of your sputum and likely take an xray of your chest. TB is very very contagious, so until you get the all clear, avoid public places. TB is also very common in Mexico so it could be likely that your husband became infected while he was down there. There is no need to worry though, because I'm sure that if any of you are infected you will be getting good care afterwards. Cheers.
5 :
Oh man,that's scary...thank God he called and warned you. That's what Doc Holiday died of....but today's medical experts can fix it. God bless you all.
6 :

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Monday, December 24, 2012

Question about Tuberculosis

Question about Tuberculosis?
well when i was younger i was diagnosed with tuberculosis and treated it by taking pill everyday for a certain amount of time. Now recently I've started to feel sick. Last night i coughed blood. Is it possible that tuberculosis has come back? Can I just get a vaccine and get rid of it.
Respiratory Diseases - 4 Answers
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1 :
Ask your doctor you son a bitch. Im not a doctor, but you probably have AIDS
2 :
If you continue to cough blood specially with chills, night sweats then it is a possibility that you have a recurrent TB. Seek immediate medical attention. No effective vaccines for recurrent TB infections.
3 :
well, yes TB can be reactivated if your immunity is lowered...but you can't just diagnose it by coughing'll need a chest x-ray and sputum analysis...and if it's actually TB, vaccine won't get rid of it, you'll have to get the treatment again
4 :
honestly i always thought once you get it you dont ever really get rid of it. so i think you should go back to the dr. and get checked

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

what is the best analysis for tuberculosis

what is the best analysis for tuberculosis?

Other - Diseases - 2 Answers
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well it's called the TB-test which is an injection under the skin, if it irritates after 3 days then u r TB positive, then you can have an x-ray to check for the bacteria in the lungs, if they found bacteria, then u r TB positive, if not then you are TB negative
2 :
Here are some tests/ investigations for TB: a. Montoux test (Hackermen has already described this skin test to you) b. Tuberculin skin test (about same procedure as above) c. Heaf and Tine test (for screening) d. Chest x-ray e. Sputum (stuff that you cough out) analysis The 'best' analysis depends on the facilities and the availability in your nearest hospital/ clinic as well as your risk factors (chances of you contracting the disease or you already suffer it

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Is tuberculosis still around

Is tuberculosis still around?
If a person gets it, is it serius or can it be treated easily?
Medicine - 19 Answers
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yes but it is rare
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yes i work in a nursing home and we have to be tested every year
3 :
yes especially in Russian Jails
4 :
i work in a hospital and yes it is... its very contagous too!
5 :
Yes. It's much rarer than it used to be because of childhood innoculations but it's still around.
6 :
Hell yeah. Its an epidemic in most coutries in Africa
7 :
TB is still VERY VERY much around. In the US as-well-as VERY high in 3rd world countries. I assure you, you know someone who is a carrier for TB. Tests are very easy. In the US, health is so good, you don;t need worry much about it because it is an "opportunistic" that gains strength when someone is weak and very sick. People IDed as carriers can take simple drugs to prevent it from turning into the deadly form. However, many carriers who are IDed actually never do take the drugs because the cost/bennefit is not so great and the chance of it turning deadly in a healthy person is very low. Typicaaly people who work in healthcare, who are TB carriers will choose to take the drugs. Bill Gates donates tons of cash to TB research. TB is one of the largest killers of people in the world.
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9 :
Tuberculosis is quite common inside the United States, particularly within certain demographics. Part of the problem is that few people with the disease are identified as such, and treatment takes so long that many individuals who are infected do not follow the course of medications that are prescribed for them- it may take several months to cause TB to cease to be a hazard, and once an individual recovers from the initial cough, they frequently stop taking their meds. This becomes an issue when the bacteria resume growth; they are very slow-growing, and very difficult to kill. If they are set back with an initial course of drugs, but the patient discontinues treatment, it may cause the bacteria to become increasingly resistant to the antibiotics that are available. As such, physicians have had to resort to increasingly dangerous and expensive meds to treat TB. It is an emerging threat within the United States, and the resurgence of cases worldwide is troubling. For more on the status of TB in the US, see Reference 1.
10 :
Yes, and it's on the rise thanks to the naturalist parents refusing to inoculate their children because they want their children to be pure. You can call drive a car with your feet but it doesn't make it a good idea. If you get TB you got it for life, until it finally rips your lungs to shreds.
11 :
About 90% of people that are infected with tuberculosis never actually get sick (they are said to have a latent TB infection) and cannot spread the disease. This said, TB is still one of the deadliest diseases on the planet; about two of every three people with active TB eventually die if not treated. Globally, TB is the second most common deadly infection (malaria is the first); about two million people die of it every year, compared to about three million dying from malaria. TB is a very serious problem for people whose immune system is compromised by HIV. Active tuberculosis is usually treated with isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol for two months, then with isoniazid and rifampicin only for another four months. Latent tuberculosis is normally treated with isoniazid for six to nine months.
12 :
Below is a snip of the table of contents for everything you need to know about TB. Click on the source link below. It is easy to read and understand and is from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia. Table of Contents Introduction * What is TB? * Why is TB a problem today? * How is TB spread? * What is latent TB infection? * What is active TB disease? Latent TB Infection * How can I get tested for TB? * What if I have a positive test for TB? * What if I have been vaccinated with BCG? * If I have latent TB infection, how can I keep from developing active TB disease? * What if I have HIV infection? Active TB Disease * How is active TB disease treated? * What are the side effects of medicines for TB? * Why do I need to take TB medicine regularly? * How can I remember to take my TB medicine? * What is directly observed therapy? * How can I keep from spreading TB? * What is multidrug-resistant TB?
13 :
Yes, tuberculosis is still around (it can affect several organs but the most common is the lungs). And it is contagious. One way of transmitting pulmonary TB is by droplet infection - through sneezing, coughing. Other ways are using contaminated utensils (spoons, glass, cups) but as long as it was washed with soap and water it is ok. Some people would boil these things just to be safer. It is a serious disease because it can easily be spread but it is also treatable. Unfortunately, there are "multi-resistant" TBs which needs special medicines. Treatment is usually 6 months. A good diet, exercise, and clean environment can be very helpful during the treatment. But mind you, this doesn't mean that only the poor and unkempt gets this disease. There are other diseases more worrying than TB (HIV, alcohol-related dieases, cigarette-related diseases).......unfortunately, this dieasea is associated with poor countries.
14 :
More people have been exposed to TB than any other time in history. Remember not only people travel by air but pathogens do also.
15 :
Yep, it's still around. Last I heard, it's actually on the rise, but mainly due to an increased presence of TB among HIV victims. It is comparatively easily treated--oral medications, for the most part, are all that is needed--but yes, it can be serious. I've seen TB; I usually refer it to a pulmonary specialist to treat, since I don't see it often enough to remain an expert with treating it. Haven't had anyone die of it--yet--despite over a quarter century in clinical practice...
16 :
Yes, treatable with antibiotics but the long term dammage can be awful.
17 :
I am a service member currently stationed in The republic of Korea and recently we have found evidence that TB is still present in this country and some people who have managed to avoid immunization or who put themselves at risk for infectious disease are testing positive for this disease along with a host of others not too common in the states and some not really popular anymore. However I also noticed in my travels that most of these now uncommon diseases still only tend to exsists in foreign countries(outside the United States) or third world countries. For example service members(myself included) are required to get a smallpox vaccination if health eligible before a tour in Korea. It can be easily detected by a simple testing procedure and with advanced medicine technology I believe is not a world of trouble to treat.
18 :
YES!!! It is still around and a very contagious and dangerous illness. Health care professionals, including doctors, nurses EMT's and others are tested on a yearly basis to check for exposure to the infection. This is done by a small injection under the skin on the under side of the forearm. Although a positive exposure test does not conclude active infection, it is followed by chest x-rays and other conclusive tests. TB can be treated, through medicinal therapies, but it is a difficult disease to treat. Medications must be taken on a strict schedule and exactly as specified for best results. For more information, you can access the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website at
19 :
yes it is serious but can be treated if cought early

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Please discuss the pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Please discuss the pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis.?

Respiratory Diseases - 1 Answers
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TB infection begins when the mycobacteria reach the pulmonary alveoli, where they invade and replicate within alveolar macrophages. The primary site of infection in the lungs is called the Ghon focus. Bacteria are picked up by dendritic cells, which do not allow replication, although these cells can transport the bacilli to local (mediastinal) lymph nodes. Further spread is through the bloodstream to the more distant tissues and organs where secondary TB lesions can develop in lung apices, peripheral lymph nodes, kidneys, brain, and bone. All parts of the body can be affected by the disease, though it rarely affects the heart, skeletal muscles, pancreas and thyroid. Tuberculosis is classified as one of the granulomatous inflammatory conditions. Macrophages, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and fibroblasts are among the cells that aggregate to form a granuloma, with lymphocytes surrounding the infected macrophages. The granuloma functions not only to prevent dissemination of the mycobacteria, but also provides a local environment for communication of cells of the immune system. Within the granuloma, T lymphocytes (CD4+) secrete cytokines such as interferon gamma, which activates macrophages to destroy the bacteria with which they are infected. T lymphocytes (CD8+) can also directly kill infected cells. Importantly, bacteria are not always eliminated within the granuloma, but can become dormant, resulting in a latent infection. Another feature of the granulomas of human tuberculosis is the development of cell death, also called necrosis, in the center of tubercles. To the naked eye this has the texture of soft white cheese and was termed caseous necrosis. If TB bacteria gain entry to the bloodstream from an area of damaged tissue they spread through the body and set up many foci of infection, all appearing as tiny white tubercles in the tissues. This severe form of TB disease is most common in infants and the elderly and is called miliary tuberculosis. Patients with this disseminated TB have a fatality rate of approximately 20%, even with intensive treatment. In many patients the infection waxes and wanes. Tissue destruction and necrosis are balanced by healing and fibrosis. Affected tissue is replaced by scarring and cavities filled with cheese-like white necrotic material. During active disease, some of these cavities are joined to the air passages bronchi and this material can be coughed up. It contains living bacteria and can therefore pass on infection. Treatment with appropriate antibiotics kills bacteria and allows healing to take place. Upon cure, affected areas are eventually replaced by scar tissue

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Another word for tuberculosis

Another word for tuberculosis?
What is another word for tuberculosis? Something that starts with clost.... I need to know. Is there a special medical word that begins with clost or something?
Other - Diseases - 7 Answers
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* TB (short for tuberculosis and also for Tubercle Bacillus) * Consumption (TB seemed to consume people from within with its symptoms of bloody cough, fever, pallor, and long relentless wasting) * Wasting disease * White plague (TB sufferers appear markedly pale) * Phthisis (Greek for consumption) and phthisis pulmonalis * Scrofula (swollen neck glands) * King's evil (so called because it was believed that a king's touch would heal scrofula) * Pott's disease of the spine * Miliary TB (x-ray lesions look like millet seeds) * Tabes mesenterica (TB of the abdomen) * Lupus vulgaris (the common wolf - TB of the skin) * Prosector's wart, also a kind of TB of the skin, transmitted by contact with contaminated cadavers to anatomists, pathologists, veterinarians, surgeons, butchers, etc. * Koch's Disease named after Robert Koch who discovered the tuberculosis bacilli. [edit] The bacterium Acid-fast bacilli (AFB) (shown in red) are tubercle bacilli Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Enlarge Acid-fast bacilli (AFB) (shown in red) are tubercle bacilli Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The cause of tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB),
3 :
The closest word I can think of is consumption.
4 :
I know they used to call it consumption.
5 :
6 :
The old-fashioned word for tuberculosis is consumption.
7 :
KOCH'S disease

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

tuberculosis shot during pregnancy

tuberculosis shot during pregnancy?
is it safe to get a TB shot during pregnancy?
Women's Health - 1 Answers
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Yes. Here is why: the TB "shot" really isn't a shot at all. It is a simple skin test to determine whether or not you have been exposed to active TB or not. It is not like a vaccine where you are injecting a virus into your system to build up an immunity. With the TB skin test, you are simply injecting PPD or purified protein derivative just under the surface of the skin. Those that have been exposed to active TB will have a reaction of redness and swelling greater than 15mm in diameter. The test is read 48-72 hours after it is administered. There should be no adverse reaction to you, or your fetus

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

A female is suffering from tuberculosis in uterus. Her fallopian tubes are blocked. Can she birth a child in

A female is suffering from tuberculosis in uterus. Her fallopian tubes are blocked. Can she birth a child in?

Women's Health - 4 Answers
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1 :
Her chances for fertility are very slim. She'll need IVF if she wants to have a baby because the egg won't be able to reach the uterus from the blocked fallopian tube...its like having a tubal ligation.
2 :
I've actually never heard of tuberculosis of the uterus. To my knowledge tuberculosis is a LUNG disease. But then, I'm no doctor. If her fallopian tubes are blocked then there is no way for the eggs to travel from the ovaries to the uterus. However, there is always in vitro fertilization so, yes, she can carry a child. Whether she can "birth" or deliever one, that really depends on her health. Most women with heart conditions are discouraged from being pregnant as their heart may not be able to handle the stress of childbirth. And then again, there is always C-section, which allows a child to be born even if the mother is unconscious.
3 :
ive never heard of tuberculosis in the uterus. if her fallopian tubes were blocked, she can still have a child. ectopic pregnancy. this is when the fetus grows not on the uterus but elsewhere like in the fallopian tubes. this is rare but happens when a woman undergone tubal ligation or uses intrauterine device.
4 :
Hi Sanjay, First of all, for your question if the female can have a child, yes she can even if her fallopian tubes are blocked, recent studies suggest that doctors have found help in this matter and yes babies are born to mother's whose fallopian tubes are blocked. But for the second part saying the mother is suffering from Tuberculosis, i would say that she should not conceive in the first place as the disease can easily be passed on to her offspring in her womb and this would cause adverse effects both to the mother and the offspring. Hope i have been able to answer your question to some extent my friend. All the best

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

the mutation that made mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to antibiotics involved.

the mutation that made mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to antibiotics involved...?
a.a missing chromosome extra gene c.a single base change d.none of the above thank you so much for your help, its appreciated a TON! :)
Biology - 1 Answers
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c.a single base change The point mutation conveying resistance to INH can occur in a population in which it is not present. The frequency at which it occurs makes drug-resistant strains a problem. As bacteria have a single circular chromosome, a loss would be impossible. A plasmid containing an extra gene would be possible, but it is not the case

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Friday, November 16, 2012

how much do second line Tuberculosis drugs cost

how much do second line Tuberculosis drugs cost?

Infectious Diseases - 1 Answers
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Depending where you are geographically. They still use the same 4 drug combination as in the first line therapy but with an addition of Streptomycin injections. Stroptomycin.--------------Vial from------------1g each------$9.75.

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Monday, November 12, 2012

My husband had a positive tuberculosis test

My husband had a positive tuberculosis test...?
This was two months ago. He was given medication to take for the next nine months. However he has not started taking it, because he can't consume alcohol with the medication. What could happen? And is there are risk to my son and I, if he doesn't start his meds? It was a positive skin test, but he doesn't have tb. He won't take his meds yet, because he can't drink. What are some of the risks to myself and son?
Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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TB is a very contagious disease, and he needs to get on his meds asap. Most of the docs I worked with were positive, since during their training they had to work on the TB floor. Prisioners are usually positive because they cant make them nor get them to take their meds.
2 :
yes this can be a huge risk. My friend was diagnosed with tb and also didnt start taking medication because of alcohol. Her husband and her daughter a few months later was diagnosed with it. TB is very contagios if not treated. TB also gets worse and could lead to death if left untreated.
3 :
There is a risk for anyone he meets including you and your son. If he doesn't he can DIE a painful horrible death

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Formulate a plan of care to a patient with tuberculosis that vomits blood

Formulate a plan of care to a patient with tuberculosis that vomits blood.?

Respiratory Diseases - 4 Answers
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That person needs to be under a doctors care for their and everyone elses best interest. TB is a very dangerous condition, a communicable disease and not something for self or home treatment.
2 :
place in semi fowlers or orthopneic position, oxygenate, and protect others to prevent contamination, proper disposal of the blood, respiratory secretions, and ask others to wear mask, because tb is an airborne. then promote comfort, and health education.
3 :
Sounds like the TB hasn't been taken care of and it may be too late to do anything at this point beyond managing pain. Xray to see if both lungs are affected, I suspect they are. If they weren't then surgical removal of the diseased lung would be an option. Depending on how localized the TB is you could attempt to remove the deceased areas if the remaining is sufficient. I doubt it. Drugs could be an option depending on the type of TB they have. Again if they are at the point of coughing and vomiting blood I'm guessing they were treated and the drugs weren't effective. They are highly contagious and should wear a mask. And I assume everyone that cares for them and comes in direct contact with them should also take precautions. If they were in the Netherlands I would suggest they find someone to help them with euthanasia as slowly dying of TB would not be a very pleasant way to go and that's what it sounds like they are going to be doing.
4 :
Hemoptysis is not vomiting blood. Its coughing out blood. Start IV fluids or fresh blood transfusion and give styptics. Take the patient to a hospital immediately. He may need FO Bronchoscopy if bleeding continues

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

are whooping cough and tuberculosis the same thing

are whooping cough and tuberculosis the same thing?

Respiratory Diseases - 5 Answers
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Whooping cough is pertussis not tuberculosis.
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Whooping cough can be fixed by a steamy room. TB is fixed with months in the hospital quarantined ward. TB is highly contagious and deadly.
4 :
No they are not. Whooping cough is caused by a specific germ, Bordetella pertussis. It occurs throughout the world, often in epidemics. Although half of the cases occur before two years of age, persons of all ages are susceptible. One attack usually confers immunity for life. The disease is most contagious during its early phases, the germs being spread by the cough. Tuberculosis is known as a disease of the lungs, but it may attack almost any part of the body. Tuberculosis germs can ride into the body on specks of dust or in tiny droplets sprayed out by a person coughing or sneezing. They are fairly resistant to freezing, but less resistant to drying.
5 :
No whooping cough is caused by the organism Bordetella pertussis and Tuberculosis by another organism called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The farmer is a childhood disease whereas the latter is both childhood and adult

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

I would like to know about tuberculosis

I would like to know about tuberculosis.?
Does anyone know if tuberculosis is still catching if it is dorment? If this is not catching, then why does my neighbor have to take medicine for it? Also, everyone in his house has to be checked for tubercusosis. If the others are not tested positive, but tested negative, then can I go near them? I'm just wondering how safe or unsafe it is, because I like the family but I don't want to catch it.
Infectious Diseases - 2 Answers
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It's contagious stay away from people, and go to the doctor, it can kill you.
2 :
Tuberculosis is one of the most deadly and common major infectious diseases today, infecting two billion people or one-third of the world's population. Nine million new cases of disease, resulting in two million deaths, occur annually, mostly in developing countries

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

I have latent tuberculosis infection. My main questions is

I have latent tuberculosis infection. My main questions is:?
If I have this problem and take the 6 to 12 month drug perscription can I still persue medical school to become a psychiatrist? Also can I no longer give blood?
Infectious Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
There's no reason why you can't pursue medical school, nor is there any reason why you can't give blood. Latent TB infection (LTBI) is not contagious. If you have been diagnosed with LTBI it is highly recommended that you take the appropriate therapy to eradicate it. Good luck

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I think i may have Tuberculosis

I think i may have Tuberculosis?
Im 16, Ive been ill for 4days now, hardly able to get out of bed... these are my symptons: Night Sweats, Headaches, Really bad dizzyness, lower back ache, fever symptons, coughing up phlem * sometimes with black/red stuff in * Ive not yet been to the doctors but i have an emergncy appoinment in 4hrs, could anyone please tell me what is going on and what Tuberculosis actually is as i am pretty scared.
Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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Most of the time when people are first infected with TB, the disease is so mild that they don't even know they have it. People with latent TB don't have symptoms unless the disease becomes active. Symptoms of active TB may include: * A cough that brings up thick, cloudy, and sometimes bloody mucus from the lungs (called sputum) for more than 2 weeks. * Tiredness and weight loss. * Night sweats and a fever. * A rapid heartbeat. * Swelling in the neck (when lymph nodes in the neck are infected). * Shortness of breath and chest pain (in rare cases). Most of the time, doctors combine four antibiotics to treat active TB. It̢۪s important to take the medicine for active TB for at least 6 months. Almost all people are cured if they take their medicine just like their doctor says to. If tests still show an active TB infection after 6 months, then treatment continues for another 2 or 3 months. Most people with latent TB are treated with only one antibiotic that they take for 9 months. This reduces their risk for getting active TB. If you miss doses of your medicine, or if you stop taking your medicine too soon, your treatment may fail or have to go on longer. You may have to start your treatment over again. This can also cause the infection to get worse or lead to an infection that is resistant to antibiotics. This is much harder to treat. TB can only be cured if you take all the doses of your medicine. A doctor or nurse may have to watch you take it to make sure that you never miss a dose and that you take it the proper way. You may have to go to the doctor's office every day, or a nurse may come to your home or work. This is called direct observational treatment. It helps people follow all of the instructions and keep up with their treatment, which can be complex and take a long time. Cure rates for TB have greatly improved because of this type of treatment. If active TB is not treated, it can damage your lungs or other organs and can be deadly.
2 :
You must go to the doctor immediately... Tuberculosis is a common and often deadly infectious disease caused by mycobacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis .Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs but can also affect the other systems... The classic symptoms of tuberculosis are a chronic cough with blood-tinged sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Infection of other organs causes a wide range of symptoms. The diagnosis relies on radiology (chest X-rays), a tuberculin skin test, blood tests....
3 :
Well, unless you are at risk for TB, a couple of things would be much more likely- pneumonia or meningitis to name a couple. You are correct to be going to the doctor as soon as possible to find out what is going on

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tuberculosis check up question

Tuberculosis check up question?
Hello. I've been diagnosed with tuberculosis and been taking isoniazid for the past 6 months and im getting a checkup this friday. what will do they? im sort of nervous.. are they going to stick a needle thru me or xray??
Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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if they have to they have too. i am not really sure. i think they take it by the blood. not positive though
2 :
Hopefully, they will obtain a sputum culture (you cough up phlegm into a cup, not just "spit") and take a chest x-ray of you. They should schedule you for an additional 2 sputum cultures and you will be declared free of TB (non contagious) when 3 cultures come back negative. Best wishes for a good report.
3 :
Most likely a mucus ample will be taken and analysised of growth medium for the presence of the disease. A blood test will most likely be conducted to to see if your bodies immune system is doing it's job properly. (White blood cell count will most likely be needed as an elevated one is an indicator that your body is still fighting off an infection) Good luck and don't stress too much you will be fine

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

tuberculosis and sex drive

tuberculosis and sex drive?
I was watching a movie the other day that referenced tuberculosis patients as having almost uncontrollable sex drives(and no, it wasn't a porn movie) But I've been unable to find much information from veritable sources. Is the connection between the two true?
Infectious Diseases - 1 Answers
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That's funny, ever source I just looked up said it caused a lower libido, not higher

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Did you hear on the news about the tuberculosis guy

Did you hear on the news about the tuberculosis guy?
The Speaker guy, if you listened to the news, went on a flight to Europe even though he has tuberculosis. That is not my problem. My problem is people not seeing something very simple. His father-in-law speciliazes in Tuberculosis and is part of the CDC, don't you think that is random as hell? Do you know how rare tuberculosis is? The chances of having tuberculosis AND being the son-in-law of a tuberculosis specialist is 1 in a billion. Something is fishy?
Polls & Surveys - 10 Answers
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They are trying to kill us Americans
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its an experiment gone wrong. its all a conspiracy. watch yourself
3 :
yes i did
4 :
yeah and he has an incurrable form of TB if im not mistaken. He also travel all around europe and my have possible spred it fully knowing he has it
5 :
yea, its really a freak story...but at least his boss didn't take a sales plaque off the wall and use it as a cutting board..
6 :
LOL, do you think his father-in-law was trying to get him killed? It also seems to be a very rare and aggressive form of TB.
7 :
odd............................................................................ i'm sure he does feel horrible even if he didn't cause it.
8 :
Yes, yes I did hear about this.
9 :
Somethings not right. I really don't believe in coincidences. I think possibly, that his father-in-law is responsible for the TB.
10 :
Yeah, Being from Atlanta, the media has blown it completely out of proportion

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Monday, October 8, 2012

tuberculosis found in my blood test

tuberculosis found in my blood test?
two weeks ago i went to a clinic then they took me a blood test and extray for tuberculosis health exam,then the exray release is good nothing found in in the exray,the blood test came they said that iam a positive tuberculosis,im very sad,is it okey for me to test again for another,iam so sad because im a single mother raising my two kids,i have to work for them,is tuberculosis can be cure?somebody explain to me please!
Infectious Diseases - 4 Answers
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wow, your lucky , they have meds, have to take them for a long time, it's a serious disease and they can make you take the meds, cause it's a public health problem.. you may have other family members that have it. I don't think there is a cost to you for the meds in the US. Agree w other answers, as they should or would have advised you about medications, hopefully by now. thanks guys!
2 :
hey babe, it's because youve been immunized :D > thus it shows antibodies for, whala, TB!
3 :
U can ask for another test because they test for the antibodies for TB that u would develop if u've exposed to it. A positive test may mean that u have active TB or are just a carrier of it, or have been exposed to it and have produced antibody. TB is treated with antibiotics for about 6mth to a year depending on the severity. If your doctor puts u on the med it is extremely important to complete the entire regime and comply because if u don't the bacteria can become drug resistant then u're in a world of hurt. TB can be extremely serious and is very contagious so u need to think about your kids. normally a positive chest xray is more confirmation then a blood test because they test for the antibodies for it, not the disease it self. u may have been exposed to it before and developed it. Listen to your doc. They wold have started u on antibiotics if u were positive for tb. Its very good that u have a negative x ray. it means uve either been exposed to it before and developed the antibodies, you are carrier of TB, or ure in the incubation period of TB and it has not yet multiplied enough to confer disease I would imaging they would monitor u.
4 :
When you test positive it may mean you were exposed to TB at some point and your body did not actually acquire the disease to make you sick. They do ask you to take the TB drugs for about a year. You should definitely follow up and take the drugs exactly as prescribed. the Public Health Department in your state will want to check on you regularly to be sure you are OK and to be sure you are taking the drugs properly. Other people in your family should be tested as well

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

what is the incubation period of tuberculosis

what is the incubation period of tuberculosis?
i'm doing a school project and need HELP!!!
Infectious Diseases - 2 Answers
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When it goes dormant or until it gets better.
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The incubation period for TB is approximately 2 to 12 weeks. But the risk for developing active disease is the highest in the first two years after infection and development of a positive TB skin test reaction

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Monday, October 1, 2012

do you have pictures of active tuberculosis testing

do you have pictures of active tuberculosis testing?

Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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A TB test is just a shot under the dermal layer on your forearm and is read like 3 days later, if there is nothing there when read, you are negative for TB. IF a red rash appears then you are positive for TB. Good Luck. You can probably find pics at or
2 :
I found one site with an x-ray of an active TB lesion. I hope this is hwat you were looking for. Good luck
3 :
yes,i have a picture ,see here:;_ylt=AtSm.oA0V5Qy4jUKbDaI_BgezKIX?link=answer&qid=20061219102946AA459g2

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Friday, September 28, 2012

i dont have colds, but sometimes i release color green phlegm, what does it mean? do i have tuberculosis? and?

i dont have colds, but sometimes i release color green phlegm, what does it mean? do i have tuberculosis? and?

Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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No It could just be a sinus infection. Unless you have been around someone who has had it , then go get your self checked. Besides with TB your symptoms are way different then just green phlegm
2 :
just an infection. probably just a URI. no TB, but go to emergendy room and waste everyones money anyhow.retard
3 :
You could have sinus infections causing this, bronchitis is the main infection , which causes a green color,,, also allergies can cause this, especially when the pine trees releases all that green pollen,,, Hope this helps

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Many illegals entering this country have tuberculosis and or other diseases

Many illegals entering this country have tuberculosis and or other diseases?
"TB's swift, deadly return now is lethal for about 60 percent of those infected because of new Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis. Until recently MDR-TB was endemic to Mexico. This Mycobacterium tuberculosis is resistant to at least two major anti-tubercular drugs.... Latent disease explodes later.... The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ascribed 42 percent of all new TB cases to 'foreign born' people who have up to eight times higher incidences apparently, 66 percent of all TB cases coming to America originate in Mexico, the Philippines and Vietnam." Other health threats from illegals include, according to the report: Chagas disease, also called American trypanosomiasis or "kissing bug disease," is transmitted by the reduviid bug, which prefers to bite the lips and face.... The disease also infiltrates America's blood supply... No cure exists.... Leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease... is endemic to northeastern states because illegal aliens and other immigrants brought leprosy from India, Brazil, the Caribbean and Mexico. Dengue fever is exceptionally rare in America... Recently, according to the report, there was a virulent outbreak of dengue fever in Webb County, Texas, which borders Mexico.... Polio was eradicated from America, but now reappears in illegal immigrants as do intestinal parasites, says the report. Malaria was obliterated, but now is re-emerging in Texas. The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons report includes a strong prescription for protecting the health of Americans: Closing America's borders with fences, high-tech security devices and troops. Rescinding the U.S. citizenship of "anchor babies." Punishing the aiding and abetting of illegal aliens as a crime. An end to amnesty programs. Another good reason to deport right?
Immigration - 16 Answers
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get over it
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Its not only from Illegal aleins many american citizens have it and dont take their medicine so it mutates....and the more it mutates the more costly the medicine.......... Just so it is known no one in North America except the Native Americans is really a native citizen at one point the were Immigrants or their ancestors were.....
3 :
DISEASES NEED A WAY TO GET BETTER OPPORTUNITIES TOO!! These are probably just the smart America loving kind of diseases you un-politically correct bozo!
4 :
You are incorrect on your assumptions. Most "new" old diseases are entering because of climatic changes. When the climate changes, the vectors like insects, also change. Immigration is a factor in disease transmission, but probbably at the same level as turism, if not less. If you want to solve a problem, you can not start with preconceived ideas that will take you into the wrong solution.
5 :
more of a reason to keep em in check. and send all the others back(like that ever happen). adios amigo.
6 :
another reason to deport right? what kind of ignorant, insane, stupid question is this? you really wanna ban people now based on their health? it doesn't even deserve a human answer, so i will leave it at this: Xenophobia, look it up in a dictionary. It means that people like you should be more affraid of people like you.
7 :
...Why does Texas always have to be the one that gets all the BS??? I live here damnit!! And by the way, If that's your picture, you're hot!! I'm single ya know? Oh ya! Sorry.. I forget, you're not gonna want me.. I live in Tx. with all that tuburculosis and gonnaherpaclahmydiadicsyphallisamaphrodesiacisticmicrobelia and cumbolioicalsiatisticscilliscosis diseases... Oh well.. At least I tried.. You're still hot though.... :/ --Rob and hell definately- YES!! IT IS ANOTHER REASON!!
8 :
We have the disastrous diseases that are bankrupting our hospitals (86 hospitals in California declared bankruptcy in the last two years). --Tuberculosis (which claims two-million people a year now, and was virtually wiped out before the Mexican/Latino invasion), --Chagas Disease (known as the "Kiss of Death," kills 50,000 annually), --Hepatitis A and B (there have been 100,000 reported cases passed on by illegal workers/carriers in the food industry in the last couple of years), --and leprosy (also virtually unknown in the United States exceeded 7,000 new cases) --malaria (which had been obliterated), --West Nile Virus, --E-coli intestinal parasites. And the new and exciting Morgellons ALL Of The Above Diseases Although Found Throughout The Nation Are CONCENTRATED On The US/Mexico Border Where The Highest Numbers Of ILLEGAL Aliens Are Found
9 :
Sorry to disappoint you but I dont think diseases can pick which race to infect...too bad!
10 :
Wow.Thats alot of diseases.And alot of sick people.How sad.I feel sorry for them,and for you.I think it's strange that someone with the name "angels among us" would have so little compassion for human beings.Wierd name for someone with your opinions.Anchor babies?What,they have anchors tying them down?Who came up with that ridiculous name?Anyway,those babies are american citizens,no matter who their parents are.You wouldn't put a child of a murderer in jail because it's parent was one,would you?Why make the child suffer for the sins of it's parents?Just be thankful those kids have homes where their parents love them,so many don't.
11 :
They bring their sickness and filth and live next door to decent people, with all their drug dealing, prostitution, idiotic way of "life", Why don't they just get the hell out of Dodge, and go back to chalopez or wherever they are from, I know if I walked into a crowded place and all eyes were on me, because I was not wanted there, I would get out, so See Ya, Don't come back now Hear??
12 :
if i had "an angel among us" i would b*tch slap her in a minute. that angel must b as ignorant as they come. a truly ignorant, rude, misinformed individual that needs to b dropped kicked in her baby maker. LOL... u make me laugh my @ss off. i hope & pray u r sterile so ur venomous thoughts & morals aren't passed on to any of ur offspring. ppl like the "angel" r the reason that the US is where its at right now. may God have mercy on u. was that a bit harsh, maybe no more cafe for me. LOL..
13 :
You're right. Illegals aren't stopped at the border and given health checks. And the really ill ones aren't quarantined. They come into the US with diseases and then send their kids to schools to mix with American children. Why should American kids be at risk with diseases from third world countries? It's pathetic how pro-illegals don't care about this horrible situation. I guess they want American kids to die.
14 :
Yes, world overpopulation is a great thing. Brought by such religions as the Roman Catholics, Mormons, and let snot forget the Islam.
15 :
your argument is weak, by your logic, in order to keep all diseases that exist elsewhere America would need to stop imports of all goods, no visitors or tourist would be allowed in and non of our troops from overseas would be allowed to come back into the states. i do not support illegal immigrants, but for cryin' out loud, try to find something with a little more conviction
16 :
Girl, your peopel From england brought more dieases to U.S then mexicans combine. Get a life u hore

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tuberculosis and contagious question

Tuberculosis and contagious question?
Why is it so that active TB patients are not contagious after two weeks of therapy and medications?
Respiratory Diseases - 1 Answers
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I would say that the germs are beat down and are very weak after 2 weeks. And can't really spread in you or to anyone else. The bad part is the weaker germs are killed off first and if you stop taking your medication, the strong ones are left to begin growing again. That's like breeding a super bug, one that is resistant to your medication

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

what is the rationale of headache in tuberculosis

what is the rationale of headache in tuberculosis?
Infectious Diseases - 2 Answers
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Cause? Could be lack of oxygen due to lung damage. Could be from fever. Don't know if I understand your question.
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Tuberculosis is an infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It most commonly affects the lungs. Tuberculosis is one of the most deadly and common major infectious diseases today. TB infection begins when MTB bacilli reach the pulmonary alveoli, infecting alveolar macrophages, where the mycobacteria replicate exponentially. When it has increased to such an extent that it needs to more space…it is going to find ways to spread. TB is spread by aerosol droplets expelled by people with active TB disease of the lungs when they cough, sneeze, speak, or spit. Each droplet is 5 micrometre|µm in diameter and contains 1 to 3 bacilli ---RATIONALE FOR COUGH. TB infections get contained to certain areas by the granuloma formation….Granulomas can have caseous necrosis in the centre. Sometimes they may break open during a coughing bought and lead to coughing up blood hemoptysis. –RATIONALE FOR HEMAPTYSIS CHILLS –are due to our immune system response to the diseases. It is a cycle of FEVER – CHILLS – NIGHT SWEATS. RATIONALE FOR CHILLS – IMMUNE RESPONSE?? MILD FEVER – because the body doesn’t recognize the danger of this bacteria as macrophages would have already phagocytosed them and contained them in a granuloma…The body knows that there is a fever…but thinks it has contained it.. RATIONALE FOR MILD FEVER

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tuberculosis in South Africa - why are successes so low

Tuberculosis in South Africa - why are successes so low?
If this DOT (Directly Observed Treatment Short-course) is just about the only method to ensure that patients take their meds, why does the government not employ more "Observers" ?
South Africa - 3 Answers
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Simple because the locals here are to doff to remember to take their tablets. Or they do not care. And because they drink their pills on and off the terrible new strain of TB has developed in SA, a very hard to cure strain of TB.
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It wouldn't be feasible for government to employ observers in most cases, have you any idea how rampant TB actually is in South Africa, there is no comparison to 1st world countries, the sheer amount of observers needed would put an end to such a programme before it could even properly take off. When I went for my x-rays for the emigration medical tests I was chatting to the doctor, he also said, putting aside infections in the African population that most wouldn't believe how many white South Africans that go for those tests actually have TB, frightening, it only takes one breath or a microscopic spit particle and you are infected.
3 :
The treatment take 6 months and if you don't Finnish it and try start again later your body resist the treatment So your are in Isolation at hospital for 6 months no people who may came and visit Therefor so many people stop the treatment and die of it

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

What are your thoughts about a possible (extremely drug-resistant) tuberculosis outbreak

What are your thoughts about a possible (extremely drug-resistant) tuberculosis outbreak?

Polls & Surveys - 2 Answers
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that it sucks ...I'm not sure of the whole story but that dude needs to be punished severely
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Im a little scared because in my town jsut today they found like 4-7 people who have TB. and one of them has the same strand as that guy. I think that guy was extremely selfish, he put all the people on the plane at risk along with the risk of a potential outbreak. Not only should the guy be punished, but on the news it said that when he was at the canadian border, when they scan his passport a warning flashed but the man whochecked the passport just let him go. They should both be punished

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Could bacteria (e.g. M. tuberculosis, E. coli) mutate into a form that overwhelms our Immune System

Could bacteria (e.g. M. tuberculosis, E. coli) mutate into a form that overwhelms our Immune System?
Since bacteria like tuberculosis and S. aureus become more and more drug-resistant over time, could they eventually evolve into a form smart enough to overwhelm our bodily immune systems? Would they then become identical to HIV/AIDS?
Infectious Diseases - 1 Answers
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These diseases will not become like AIDS because they are not AIDS. AIDS attacks the immune system directly. TB attacks mainly the respiratory system, and e coli attacks mainly the digestive system. Some years ago a strain of E coli did mutate to become a serious illness, killing some people. Usually E coli is a minor illness that resolves itself quickly or shows no symptoms at all. The bad strain is still in existence, but most of the E coli in the world is the minor kind. Well, it is not good for a disease organism to kill its host quickly, so these very severe acute illnesses tend to mutate back in the more minor direction, so they can continue to be spread around

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

OMG I think I have Tuberculosis

OMG I think I have Tuberculosis?
Okay so I'm really upset right now my mom never takes care of her health... I tell her everyday to but she doesn't listen and is very irresponsible for her age. Her work requires her to get a TB test annually. She got it done last year, and had a swelling thing after the test. So it came out positive for Tuberculosis. Then she got further evaluated with an X-Ray but that came out negative. Then this year the same thing happened... after the TB test she had swelling again in the arm at the injection site. She is going to get an X-Ray, again, tommorrow to be further evaluated. I just found all this out today and I'm really scared I might have it too. I guess my questions are- 1) Why does her TB test come out positive but her X-Ray come out negative? Does this mean she has it or doesn't have it? 2) Could I have it too and what should I do... I'm incredibly frustrated right now... please help if you have any information about this!
Other - Diseases - 3 Answers
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Phone your Public Health Nurse for immediate answers.
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The TB skin test means she has been exposed to the disease. The x-ray shows if there is any sign of the disease in her lungs. If the doctors think she may have active TB she will go on medicine for a while. Now with you, you should have a skin test. You may be fine since your mother is displaying no signs of infection. This would be cough, fever, weight loss, night sweats. Good luck
3 :
First of all, relax. You do not have TB. Neither does your Mother. A positive PPD test means they have been exposed to a person who had Tb. A negative Chest xray means no Tb. They treat with antibiotics for the exposure. Tb can affect other organs, besides the Lungs (Kidneys come to mind). You should have a Tb (ppd) test to see if you convert as exposed. You will most likely be negative. Anyway, as I said, relax, you are fine

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